Friday, November 26, 2010

opposite hand drawing

I haven't drawn with my left hand since keeping a sketchbook for classes way back. This really forced me to slow down and pay attention to details. Not surprised that the line quality changed too. The though just came to me to do a right handed drawing for comparison. The Jeannie drawing was done at work out of boredom of course.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jack Johnson first Black Heavyweight Boxing Champion.

Reigned from 1908 to 1915 and was more than likely the most hated man in America at that time. Look him up if you aren't familiar with his story.

quick sketch of a random face

Saturday, November 6, 2010

lunch doodle


I need a lot of practice with ink. I've always been afraid of that medium because it is so permanent. Of course you can white things out but, I use to rely heavily on the safety net provided by a pencil's eraser. I'll do more of these this weekend to get use to holding the brush and adjusting my strokes. That almost sounded perverted huh.

more charcoal practice.

Starting to get a feel for it. Plus it helps to be able to see demos of people actually working with it as opposed to just reading about a technique in a book.

Friday, November 5, 2010

New sketches

These two were done during a boring training session at work. They're on lined paper too..oh nooooooo!! The horror!!

I hate the elitism I'm starting to encounter in the online art circles. I guess I'm not worthy of a response of any kind until I've proven myself. Seems to be two types of people in that field, the pros and fanboys.

I just think back to what my hero, Muhammad Ali said about the encounter with his hero at the time, Sugar Ray Robinson. He was so excited to meet the guy and Sugar Ray blew him off. Ali was crushed. It was then that he said that he'd always treat his fans like they were somebody special. Ironic how after Ali made a name for himself you can find pictures of Ray Robinson cheesing beside him.

Like Heavy D once said in a rap song, "Don't be down with anybody let 'em all be down with you." With that, I'm heading off to the drawing table. I don't need to be famous. I just want to be better with each drawing and or painting. If i do become known then I'll have the pricks in the business to thank for teaching me how NOT to be.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Black Cowboy 1885

I am humbled by the compliments that I've received for this one. The medium is ballpoint pen and it was drawn from a stock photo in a book. I'll have some prints made for anyone interested in a copy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NEW STUFF.......finally

Drawings and phone doodles.