Wednesday, November 12, 2008

yes i can

I emailed a very sweet young artist named Margaret aka M who supplies me with SKB pens thanks to Francis Vallejo. Anyway, I told her how I wish I could draw half as well as she does. She's very hard on herself artistically though. I can relate. I look at her drawings and I'm thinking what is she talking about? But, I've had those moments of doubt and insecurity mostly related to being 36 instead of 26 and feeling like I pissed too many years away. But, Shawn Barber said on his F.A.Q section of his site that, "age means nothing- desire and the excitement to absorb everything around you with sincerity and a strong sense of constructive self criticism will get you farther than any monkey with a pencil and average skills." So, I try to make that my mantra for now. I really need a better camera so I can share more of my doodles.


M said...

Haha, you are much sweeter than I!

The picture is a bit blurry, but the likeness and drawing is wonderful nonetheless.

I try never to let the dream die - even if life seems to get in the way at times.

I remember reading Shawn Barber's "you're wasting your time in art school, if" list - his words are both damaging and encouraging, mostly because they are true.

I'll send pens soon! Keep drawing!

ivan said...

Thanks M! You're the first to ever leave a comment. Sorry about the blurry pics. All I have is this cell phone but, I'm saving up for a nice camera.