Thursday, March 26, 2009

folds and stuff

To honor my old graphics instructor I'm going to draw some elderly people. In school she called me out and said that I only drew those "youthful model" chics. I was like, well yeah. I was a 21 year old horndog what else did she expect? She was the only person to challenge me though. For one of our projects she wrote a story about and elderly couple having lunch at a restaurant in Italy. I was asked to illustrate it of course. I didn't do too bad I guess. Looking back I should've used a few reference photos. Just so I wouldn't be totally compliant with what she asked, I managed to draw a young waitress standing by their table as they ordered food. Thanks a lot Carrie.

1 comment:

Cindy Liu said...

Hey Ivan, this is Cindy Liu.; I'm responding to your comment on my blog, and just to say, thanks! =D I was actually an on campus student turned online student because I had to move to Seattle so I can't really give too good of advice on the online schooling. There are students out there who are strictly online, but personally I would try really hard to be on campus, at least for the first couple of years when you are getting your foundation classes and studio classes done. Nothing beats interaction with fellow artists and instructors.

Thanks again, and good luck!